Fall is here! Hooray!

Hey, fat face!

It’s officially fall in London. I hope you had a good summer. Who am I kidding. Of course you didn’t. It was HOT this summer. Is it really hot in doggy heaven? Nevermind, there’s no way it would be and if it was you would boycott and demand to be sent back to Lunt Avenue Beach (in the springtime) to live out your resting-place years.

This summer was pretty cool for me. There is no air conditioning in my apartment in London so that wasn’t ideal, but otherwise, I enjoyed my time. I even got a chance to visit Chicago. I just downplayed the hell out of how hot I was. Ok, so you know that time I picked you up from doggie daycare when we lived in Rogers Park, and we had to walk home and it was like 95 degrees and you just stopped after a few blocks and laid down on the sidewalk in front of a sprinkler and wouldn’t move? That’s how I felt for most of this summer.

Lately though, now that reasonable weather has returned, I’ve been thinking a lot about how much power our thoughts have over us. If you have the time, I recommend listening to Impact Theory episodes. There are some really interesting ideas in them, but the biggest point is that our thoughts shape our reality. If we control our thoughts, we can control our reality.

When I first heard about this philosophy, I thought it was New Age bullshit. But the science backs it up and who am I to argue with science? Plus, if you think about it, as humans our thoughts stress us out all of the time. Just thinking about a stressful event, past, present, or future, can send us into an emotional tizzy. I think it’s kind of like the anxiety you felt when your dad would leave and you’d assume he died. Even if he was just taking out the trash. Your reality was shaped by what was in front of you at the moment, and as soon as that thing was no longer there it was very confusing for you.

As humans, our reality is shaped by our thoughts, mostly. It rarely is shaped by what’s actually happening in the present moment, it’s what we’re thinking about what is happening in the present moment. Did I lose you yet? Hang tight.

What I’m saying is that we’re really powerful. I sometimes believe that you thought you were our master, and in some ways you were. You did make your dad watch you eat sometimes. But really, we can absolutely think good things and therefore feel good things. It’s so simple. So, that’s one of the things I learned this summer. To think positively. Or to think about what I want to happen instead of what might happen, or what happened in the past. It’s fun to observe those patterns.

Anyway, just wanted to check in. Hope all is well.